Unconditional Love

When the disciples asked Jesus which commandment was the greatest. Jesus listed two commandments and one of them was to love your neighbor as you do yourself (Mark 12:30, 31). This love isn’t supposed to be based on conditions. For example, if the person gets on your nerves or mistreats …

Selfless Acts

It’s important to me that I achieve my goals. Although, my goals are not more important than someone else’s goals. I understand that their goals are important to them as mine are important to me. If I am standing in the way of someone achieving their goal, I am not …

Stay Encouraged

For me, it’s easier to encourage others than it is to encourage myself. I’ve learned that leaning on God for encouragement does wonders for my spirit. So when I get discouraged that’s what I try to remember to do. I try not to focus on the situation because I know …

Live Forgiveness

There are a few points I wanted to make on this subject. The first is that we have to accept the fact that we can’t change people. People are going to do things that offend you, that are rude, or inconsiderate. Sometimes they are aware of these offenses and sometimes …

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