Trusting in God

I’m reminded of the song that has a verse that states, “On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.” God is unchanging and can always be relied upon. That’s just one reason why I trust him. I’ve seen what he’s done in my life and …


Sometimes it’s a good idea to do a self-evaluation. Ask yourself, am I someone that I would want to be around? Think about how you respond to and interact with other people. Are you easily irritated? Are you friendly? Do you complain a lot? Take some time to evaluate yourself. …

Love Yourself

I would imagine that it would be difficult to love others if you don’t love yourself. What does it mean to love yourself? In my opinion, loving yourself means taking care of your health, both mental and physical.  Setting time aside for yourself and doing things that you enjoy or …

Love in Action

Love isn’t something you keep to yourself. It is meant to be given away, spread, or shared. You can tell someone that you love them, which is great! But actions do speak louder than words. Showing love is important. Doing things for the benefit of someone else even when it’s …

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