Standing Together

A lot of people tend to focus on physical differences which contributes to the division that’s present in the human race. I believe that it’s a flaw that is meant to hinder us from being greater as a whole. Imagine all the things that we could accomplish if we focused …

God’s Grace

God’s grace is unmerited favor. There is nothing that we have done or we can do to deserve it. God gives it freely because he loves us. We are saved and blessed because of his grace. It is his gift to us. I thank God every day for his grace! …

Wise Counsel

 It’s important to be mindful of the company that you keep. It’s a good idea to surround yourselves with people who are positive and uplifting. Be around people who have your best interest in mind, and who encourage positive change and spreading peace. “He that walketh with wise men shall …

The Golden Rule

Treat people the way that you want to be treated. Period. Why is it so hard for people to do that? Pride, ego, anger, entitlement, stubbornness; there are so many reasons. It’s not always easy to do but we are encouraged to do so, despite how we may feel about …

Walking by Faith

Sometimes things aren’t what they seem. If you ever get the feeling that you should be doing something in particular but you’re not sure why, and you go ahead and do it anyway.  That’s an example of walking by faith. The key is choosing to do that thing even though …

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