
People expect things from this world and when they don’t get what they want, they give up on God. This world provides hollow promises and fulfillment. God provides things in His own time and He knows exactly what you need and when you need it. Stop expecting to receive fulfillment …


Life has trials that we must face. Believe that you can get through them, and you will do just that. There are blessings on the other side of those trials even if you can’t see them at the moment. Stand strong, lean on God for support, and get through it. …

Take Up Your Cross

Following God is a daily choice. Changing your behavior, admitting when you’re wrong, focusing on heaven, showing love to others, and trusting in God no matter what your life is like. “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take …


You will look back one day and be thankful that things went God’s way and not your way. God’s way is truly the best way. I thank God for his guidance. Let God influence your life. “Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over …

Focus on Prayer

Prayer is such a powerful thing. It’s how we communicate with God. The enemy tries to keep you from praying because he knows how powerful prayer can be. He knows that when you pray, you will obtain strength and peace from the Lord. Continue to focus on prayer and having …


I’m thankful that God cares enough about us to listen to our concerns, take care of our needs, comfort us, give us guidance, and peace when we need it. I didn’t do anything to deserve his grace, but he gives it to me freely. He’s always there and I’m thankful …

It’s Handled

God has already handled whatever you are worrying about. His plan for that issue has already been set in motion long before you even thought to worry about it. God is always looking out for us and he’s always several steps ahead working things out. Continue to trust in him …


Trusting God when you don’t understand his plan is having faith. He doesn’t always give us the complete picture of the path he has for our lives. We must believe in the direction he instructs us to follow even if we don’t understand some of the situations we may find …

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