Love Your Neighbor

This includes those who are angry, sinful, gay, Muslim, lukewarm, non-believing, and everyone else in between. The love that you show may help them see what Jesus is about. Be the example. “Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord …


Live in the present and stop worrying about tomorrow. God has got you covered especially when you seek him first and bring all your concerns to him.  Do this and find peace. “But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added …

Experiencing Joy

In our society, circumstances dictate our happiness. If things are going well, then we’re happy, but if situations are not favorable then we’re unhappy. We must not allow outward circumstances to control our inward feelings. Our circumstances are constantly changing. God provides joy instead of promising happiness. His spirit is …

Finding Peace

Whenever I need peace, I ask God to give me peace that comes from him. He grants me that peace, and I’m thankful for it. It doesn’t compare to anything else. I encourage you to ask God for peace whenever you need it, and experience that peace for yourself. “Peace …

Good Counsel

Surround yourself with like-minded positive people. If someone gives you advice and it goes against God’s word, don’t take the advice. Even if that advice seems to benefit you better than doing the opposite or seems fair. For example, if you need help and someone chooses not to help you, …

Read and Be Inspired

Reading the scriptures is inspiring. I encourage you to make time every day to read God’s word so you can benefit from his inspiration daily. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of …

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