
This isn’t always an easy thing to do. We all have someone we feel has wronged us in one way or another. God’s word is straightforward when it speaks of forgiveness. It is a requirement. He expects us to forgive each other, period. If you find it difficult to forgive …

Trusting God

Sometimes, God allows things to happen that we don’t agree with or understand. We must accept that God has more information than we do because he hears and sees more than we ever can. There are a lot of variables and moving parts in life that we aren’t even aware …

Fear Not

Remember that God is always with you even when you’re afraid. He desires to help and comfort you whenever you need it. Go to him for strength, wisdom, peace, and guidance. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the …

True Worship

Worship involves honoring God in a selfless way. It’s through giving praise, thanksgiving, and showing deep respect for him. It comes from a redeemed heart meaning a heart that is repentant from sin. For our worship to be acceptable to God we must repent of our sins and ask God …

Approach God

We have a responsibility in our relationship with God to make the effort to approach him. If we desire for him to approach us, we must do our part. This is done by inviting him into our lives through prayer, reading his word, or by giving God praise and worship. …

God’s Discipline

We have received disciple from our parents or caregivers for our wrongdoings. This discipline is meant to correct our behavior and help teach us a lesson, so we’ll make better life choices. God also disciplines us. This discipline is referred to as chastening. He disciplines us when we sin or …

Thank God

I thank God every day for the many blessings that he has given me. He doesn’t have to do it and I certainly don’t deserve it, but he blesses me anyway. I encourage you to take some time every day and thank God for what he has done in your …

Plans for You

God’s plans for you are not always explained to you. That’s where having faith comes in. You must trust the path God has you on and believe that he knows what’s best for you, even when you’re not sure about what to do next. God’s plans are for you to …

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