Be Merciful

If you feel that someone has wronged you, it’s okay to be upset about that. Be upset for a short time and then let it go. Holding grudges is never a good thing. It’s understandable that some things are harder to let go of then others but try to let …

Giving Thanks

I have learned that it is important to give God thanks for everything that he does for me. We can take things for granted like being able to use our five senses, walking, having food, getting places safely, being able to pay our bills, and so on. It is God …


In life we are faced with ups and downs, as I’m sure you already know from experience. Trials don’t just happen to you; they happen to all of us. The important thing is to not allow them to defeat you. You are stronger than you may realize, and God has …


I talk a lot about the importance of prayer in these blog postings. Prayer is the way that we communicate with God. It’s a dialog between you and him. Which means that at some point you listen and he talks, and at some point you talk and he listens. Sometimes …

Being a Blessing

People can be unappreciative and inconsiderate. That is the world we live in. One of my goals in life is to be my best self. That means sometimes I’m placed in a position to do things for people who display the afore mentioned characteristics. It’s not the easiest thing to …

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